Mitt drömjob... är en sajt på internet som har alltifrån lägenheter till jobb alltdärimellan.
Jag går in där varje dag för att titta på vad det finns för jobb.
Jag hittade precis ett drömjobb där, fast jag har tyvärr inte riktigt vad som krävs, haha, men ändå...just nu önskar jag att det jobbet kunde bli mitt....

2nd Captain & Deck Crew - Shark Boat (Los Angeles- SF to Mexico)

Date: 2010-11-06, 2:54PM PDT
Reply to: [email protected] [Errors when replying to ads?]

A once in a lifetime opportunity.

I have a vessel that will be doing research/film work with Great White Sharks in California and Mexico. I have two paid spots available. 2nd captain and deckhand.

Time frame - leaves next week returns around end of year. You will not be home for holidays and must commit to entire trip. Pay is not great but experience will be one that will last a lifetime.

If any of these items are a problem - please do not respond.

Sound like it suits you? Then send me a rundown on your qualifications, experience, and a recent picture.

USCG Master-Captain license- 100 ton a plus. SCUBA Dive / Diver - extremely experienced in temperate water and must be comfortable with the concept of being in water with GWS - Dive master a plus. Film work and production experience a plus. Marine Bio degree- a plus. 60-85ft vessel experience in california required.

Thanks -



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